Page two

The compound from Clifton's.

Palm trees around the camp meeting hall.


Often, when people see pictures of mission stations, what they see are lush pictures of multiple shades of green, but, as mentioned on page one, heat and dryness take their toll on just about everything at Ika.

Not sure if this was because of the heat or just old age,
but the Flame-of-the-Forest in front of Dad's place finally gave up.

Ben's poor tractor has seen better days, but they manage to keep it running.

Dad's front door after Rick and Dave removed the dry rot from the bottom
and repaired it using other old bits of wood - No Fancy lumber Yard here!

Window sills fall to dry rot too. (The kids had fixed up the windows
in the front room last year but ran out of wood putty.)

Even plywood is not immune to the ravages of heat and dryness.

Dad's windows

Bedroom door.

With the age of the buildings, it is almost a full time job trying to keep up with repairs. Add to that the cost of repairs and the limited availability of quality materials and you can see why it was a real blessing to have Rick and Dave out there for 3 weeks!

Any volunteers?

Update: 16th Dec 2015